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By: Michael O’Farrell,

Investigations Editor in London,

The man responsible for receiving confidential reports from Garda whistleblowers has moved out of his Dublin home and is now largely based abroad, the Irish Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Oliver Connolly has rented his Dalkey house to James Bond actor Timothy Dalton and is dividing his time between London, the Middle East and South Africa.

Mr Connolly’s appointment to the office of Confidential Recipient by Justice Minister Alan Shatter in June 2011 raised controversy because of his status as a political donor to and ally of Mr Shatter.

The €12,500-a-year position of Confidential Recipient was created so that an independent third party could receive, in confidence, reports of corruption or malpractice within An Garda Síochána from members or civilian employees of the force.

On Mr Connolly’s appointment, all gardaí and civilian staff were circulated with a mobile telephone number and a PO box number in Dublin and told they should contact Mr Connolly by phone before sending anything to the PO box.

Oliver Connolly
This story was first published in the Irish Mail on Sunday on October 27, 2013.

But approached in London this week by the MoS, Mr Connolly admitted that any post sent to the dedicated confidential PO box is now being collected by a ‘designated’ Department of Justice official.

Mr Connolly denied his absences from Ireland had any impact on his role and claimed he could be back in Ireland within a matter of hours should he need to be.

When the MoS approached Mr Connolly close to his London home this week he first appeared to play down his international activities.

He said: ‘Timothy Dalton has taken my home for two months while I consolidate my international options. ‘I’m fully supported out of my office in Dublin. I’m actually based in Dublin, in Ireland still, and I meet all my commitments. I am freely available. There is no issue whatsoever as far as my part-time role is concerned – none whatsoever.’

At Ease - Oliver Connolly relaxes in London this week. (Photo - Michael Chester)
At Ease – Oliver Connolly relaxes in London this week. (Photo – Michael Chester)

However, when pressed further on where he actually spends his time Mr Connolly – who made a political donation of €1,000 to Mr Shatter in 2007 – conceded that he spends as little ‘as a few days a month’ in Ireland because he was focusing on business activities in London and the Middle East Asked where his wife and children were based, he said: ‘My wife and child move between the jurisdictions as well ‘I am very satisfied that I haven’t in any way compromised the office – the part-time office-by developing my business internationally,’ he said. That business- Friarylaw – is a legal firm specialising in mediation and dispute-resolution training which once counted Mr Shatter among its students.

‘It necessitates that I spend more time in London at the moment while I hire people and put a structure in place,’ Mr Connolly said. ‘But to say that I’m gone – that’s not the case.

If somebody contacts me today, I can be at Gatwick Express – I can be at the departure gate in one hour from here. I will typically ask them to forward me a note and then I will go and meet them.

If I have to meet them today, I can do that.’ Mr Connolly said he had already travelled back to Ireland to meet whistleblowers on several occasions, always at his own expense.

‘I have never submitted any expenses. From the start of my contribution to society, I have never submitted any expenses,’ he said.

‘I flew in (to London) from Qatar yesterday. I was in Doha yesterday. I have activities actually which extend between Ireland, Britain, Dubai, Qatar and South Africa and that doesn’t impact in any way on my part-time position as Confidential Recipient.’ A Department of Justice spokesman said the PO box arrangement did not compromise confidentiality.

He said: ‘It’s not an issue, as the official doesn’t open the post. He just forwards it on.’

The Irish Mail on Sunday October 27, 2013.
The Irish Mail on Sunday October 27, 2013.

But Fianna Fáil justice spokesman Niall Collins said: ‘I wasn’t aware Mr Connolly was London-based but now that I am, I feel it would diminish his effectiveness to carry out the role.’The MoS called the confidential mobile phone number to test its functionality and to see whether Mr Connolly would answer.

It rang through to a voicemail message from Mr Connolly that did not identify his official capacity in any way. The message was identical to that on his personal phone.

Asked about perceptions that his close relationship with Mr Shatter might deter whistleblowers, Mr Connolly said: ‘I wouldn’t think that a perceived proximity to the minister… I don’t see how that could dissuade anyone.

‘What I can say to you is this: the Minister for Justice is perhaps the most progressive Minister for Justice our country could have at this time.

He is characterised by a fundamental belief in imaginative reform and that displeases many who are deeply vested in the status quo. And you’re perhaps, inadvertently or otherwise, assisting that agenda which would wish to restrict that process.’

Asked for a comment on Mr Connolly’s living abroad, a Justice spokesperson said: ‘The department is not aware of any issues in relation to the capacity of Mr Connolly to undertake the functions of Confidential Recipient.’

Additional Reporting –  Philip Ryan.

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Michael O'Farrell - Investigations Editor
Michael O'Farrell - Investigations Editor
Michael O'Farrell is a multi-award-winning investigative journalist and author who works for DMG Media as the Investigations Editor of the Irish Mail on Sunday newspaper.

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